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Class 10 Second Language English Scoring Package | SSLC English Passing Package | 10th English Important Questions | X English Question Answers |

Class 10 Second Language English Scoring Package | SSLC English Passing Package | 10th English Important Questions | X English Question Answers | Prose: Prose-1 A Here -   Click Here Prose-2 There's a Girl by the Tracks  ! -  Click Here Prose-3 Gentleman Of Rio en Medio-   Click Here Prose-4 The Bird of Happiness -  Prose-5 The Concert -   Click Here Prose-6 Play Prose-7 Colours of Silence -  Click Here Prose-8 Science and Hope of Survival Poetry Poetry-1 Grandma Climbs a Tree -  Click Here Poetry-2 Quality of Mercy -  Click Here Poetry-3 I am the Land Poetry-4 Laugh and Be Merry Poetry-5 Jazz Poem Two  Poetry-6 Ballad of the Tempest -  Click Here Poetry-7 The Blind Boy Poetry-8 Off to Outer Space Tomorrow Morning Supplementary Reading: Supplementary Reading-1 Narayanapur Incident -  Click Here Supplementary Reading-2 On Top of the world Supplementary Reading-3 A Great Martyr Ever Cherished -  Click Here Supplementary Reading-4 Dr. B.R.Ambedkar  Click Here Grammar And Composition:

Poetry - 6 Ballad of the Tempest | Class 10 Second Language English Scoring Package | SSLC English Passing Package | 10th English Important Questions | X English Question Answers |

Class 10 Second Language English Scoring Package | SSLC English Passing Package | 10th English Important Questions | X English Question Answers | Ballad of The Tempest - James T. Field When the captain shouted ‘’ we are lost‘’, how did his daughter react ?  OR The crew-mates  kissed the maiden and spoke in better cheer. What made them feel cheerful ?  OR The little  maiden filled the sailors with confidence. Justify. (June-20) Ans : The sailors were in a great peril. Their ship was caught by a violent storm. They had lost all hope  that they would be saved. At that time, the captain’s little daughter held his hand gently and asked if God  protect them on land would he not protect them on the ocean. Her innocent words filled the sailors with  new hope. EXTRACTS 1. “We were crowded in the cabin  Not a soul would dare to sleep”. a) Who does ‘we’ refer to?  Ans: the sailors b) Not a soul would dare to sleep”. Why was it so?  Ans: Their ship was caught by a violent storm.  So

Supplementary Reading - 3 | Class 10 Second Language English Scoring Package | SSLC English Passing Package | 10th English Important Questions | X English Question Answers |

Class 10 Second Language English Scoring Package | SSLC English Passing Package | 10th English Important Questions | X English Question Answers |  3. A GREAT MARTYR EVER CHERISHED 1.The writer speaks of the ‘smile’ that welcomes anyone who enters Hanif’s house. What more  do we know about this ‘smile’? Ans: Hanif was a soldier. He participated in the kargil war in 1999. He sacrificed his life for the sake of the  country. 2. What did Hanif choose as his mission? Ans: Hanif joined the Indian army as a soldier. Because he knew that life for him was short. He wanted to  serve the nation. 3. ‘How does the writer describe the ‘introvert’ Hanif ? Ans: Hanif began to make friends at the 14th year of age. He would often go out of his way to help  people. It gave him a certain kind of joy. 4. Hanif was a youngman with varied talents and interest. Illustrate this statement drawing  support from the text. ORHanifuddin “A Great Martyr” was a talented young Man”.  Describe./How was Ha

Supplementary Reading - 1 Narayanapur Incident | Class 10 Second Language English Scoring Package | SSLC English Passing Package | 10th English Important Questions | X English Question Answers |

SUPPLEMENTARY  READING 1. Narayanpur Incident 1. Why had the students been marching? How was it an unusual march? OR Why were the  students marching in the street? Why was it termed uncommon?  Ans: The students were marching to serve a notice to the collector for the British to quit India. They  marched as if the police didn’t exist. They walked in complete silence. There were no slogans, no shouts. 2.Babu and Manju were a bit disappointed with the way students were marching. What was  the reason ? Ans: Babu and Manju expected a lot of slogan, Shouting and Violence. But the march was ended  peacefully. 3. What was there in the ‘mysterious parcel? What suspicion did the police have about that? Ans: There was a cyclostyle machine in the mysterious parcel. The police suspected that Mohan and his  family were making copies of Mahatma’s speech. 4. Why had patil, the sub-inspector come to Mohan’s house? Who believed him? What was the  result? Ans: Patil the sub-inspector come t

Poetry - 2 The Quality Of Mercy | Class 10 Second Language English Scoring Package | SSLC English Passing Package | 10th English Important Questions | X English Question Answers |

Poetry-2 The Quality of Mercy - William Shakespeare Two marks questions: 1.How do you interpret the speaker’s interpretation of mercy as twice blessed?  OR The speker says that mercy is twice blessed. What does she mean by this? Ans: The speaker says that mercy brings blessings in two ways. The person who shows mercy and the  person who receives it are both blessed by God. 2. ‘’ Mercy is mightiest in the mightiest’’. Justify Ans: The king’s sceptre shows his earthly power. It makes people fear him. But mercy is greater than  earthly power, because it is the special quality of God Himself. Mercy is so great that the heart of a king is  its throne. EXTRACTS 1. ‘’ His sceptre shows the force of temporal power.’’ a) What does ‘ temporal power ‘ mean ?  Ans: worldly power / earthlypower b) What does sceptre create in the mind of the people?  Ans: fear c) What quality does mercy stand for in contrast to temporal power?  Ans: divine quality d) Who is the speaker?  An

Poetry -1 Grandma Climbs A Tree | Class 10 Second Language English Scoring Package | SSLC English Passing Package | 10th English Important Questions | X English Question Answers |

POETRY-1 Grandma Climbs A Tree - Ruskin Bond Two marks questions: 1. Why does the poet call his grandmother a genius? OR What qualities of grandma do you  appreciate? Ans: Grandma was genius. She could climb trees. She climbed trees even at the age of 62. She had strong  determination and patience. 2. How did grandma feel while she lay in bed? Ans: Grandma felt miserable. She loved to look at the dancing leaves. For her it was like a brief season in  hell. 3. ‘’ My dad knew his duties.’’ What did he think his duty was? Ans: Poet’s father duty was to fulfill the wishes of his mother. When she wished a tree house, he made a  tree house with door and windows for his mother.  Summary (3/4 marks)  The poem ‘ Grandma Climbs A Tree’ is written by Ruskin Bond. The poet called his grandmother as a  genius. She could climb any tree high or wide in trice. Her brother taught her to climb trees. Even at her  old age, she used to climb trees. One day she climbed a tree but couldn

Prose -7 Clours of Silence | Class 10 Second Language English Scoring Package | SSLC English Passing Package | 10th English Important Questions | X English Question Answers |

7. Colours of Silence - National Book Trust of India Two marks questions: 1.Satish saw a bird out of the window. How did the bird appear to him?  OR Describe the bird that Satish saw one day.  OR What did Satish see at the far corner of the garden? Why did it attract him? Ans: Satish saw a bird. It was unlike any he had seen before. It had a longish tail and a black crest. It had restless energy. Its eyes kept moving here and there. 2. What do we learn from Satish Gujral’s life? Ans: From Satish Gujral’s life we learn that physical disability is no barrier to success. 3. Satish didn’t want to go to a new school. What was the reason? Ans: Satish didn’t want to go to a new school where he couldn’t talk to the other children, where every one would make fun of his deafness. 4. Why was Satish confined to bed? What was the worst thing for him? Ans: After the accident, Satish’s legs became weak and required several operations. He suffered frequently from bouts of fever and ear i

Prose-5 The Concert | Class 10 Second Language English Scoring Package | SSLC English Passing Package | 10th English Important Questions | X English Question Answers |

5. The Concent  -Shantha Rameshwar Rao 1. How can you say that Anant was a talented boy?  OR Why do you consider Anant a talented boy? ( June-20) Ans: Anant was the best table tennis player in the school. He was the fastest runner. He was learning to play sitar. He was already able to compose his own tunes. 2. ‘ They had come with high hopes.’ What hopes did Anant’s parents have? Ans: Due to the miracles of modern science, Anant would be cured at the hospital. He would again walk and run. He would play the sitar and perhaps would be a great sitarist one day. 3. How did Smita fulfill her brother’s wish ?  OR Suddenly a daring thought came to Smita What was the thought?  OR Why do you think Pandit Ravishankar and Ustad Allah Rakha agree to play for Anant ? Ans: Smita planned to request Pandit Ravishankar to play for her brother. After the concert Smita went up to the stage and approached Pandit Ravishankar. She explained the condition and the wish of her brother. He was touched by her br

Supplementary Reading-4 Dr. B.R.Ambedkar | Class 10 Second Language English Scoring Package | SSLC English Passing Package | 10th English Important Questions | X English Question Answers |

Supplementary Reading-4 Dr. B.R.Ambedkar | Class 10 Second Language English Scoring Package | SSLC English Passing Package | 10th English Important Questions | X English Question Answers | 4.Dr.B.R.Ambedkar - Sri R. Venkataraman 1. What was the greatest trait of Ambedkar as a student? OR How can you say that  Ambedkar was a voracious reader? Ans: Ambedkar was a voracious reader. He had an insatiable thirst for books. He bought books by  curtailing his daily needs. In New York he purchased about 2000 old books. While he was in London he  bought many books. 2. Why did Nehru choose Ambedkar as the law minister? Ans: Dr. Ambedkar had a great skill in the field of law and legislation. He had the vision of social justice.  Above all he had succeeded in his own campaigns against social injustice. 3. How did Dr.Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi try to wipe out caste discrimination from India? Ans: Gandhiji reminded the higher castes of their duty towards the depressed classes. Ambedkar did the 

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