Poetry - 2 The Quality Of Mercy | Class 10 Second Language English Scoring Package | SSLC English Passing Package | 10th English Important Questions | X English Question Answers |

Poetry-2 The Quality of Mercy

- William Shakespeare

Two marks questions:

1.How do you interpret the speaker’s interpretation of mercy as twice blessed? 


The speker says that mercy is twice blessed. What does she mean by this?

Ans: The speaker says that mercy brings blessings in two ways. The person who shows mercy and the person who receives it are both blessed by God.

2. ‘’ Mercy is mightiest in the mightiest’’. Justify

Ans: The king’s sceptre shows his earthly power. It makes people fear him. But mercy is greater than earthly power, because it is the special quality of God Himself. Mercy is so great that the heart of a king is its throne.


1. ‘’ His sceptre shows the force of temporal power.’’

a) What does ‘ temporal power ‘ mean ? 

Ans: worldly power / earthlypower

b) What does sceptre create in the mind of the people? 

Ans: fear

c) What quality does mercy stand for in contrast to temporal power? 

Ans: divine quality

d) Who is the speaker? 

Ans: Portia

e) How does mercy differ from sceptre? 

Ans: Mercy is divine power but sceptre is worldly power.

2.’’And earthly power doth then show likest God’s When mercy season justice.’’

a) When does earthly power becomes like divine power? 

Ans: When mercy seasons with justice

b) How should the king’s judgement be? 

Ans: It should be seasoned with mercy

c) What happens when mercy seasons justice? 

Ans: Earthly judgement becomes like God’s judgement.

d) What does earthly power mean? 

Ans: Temporal power

e) What are the symbols of earthly power? 

Ans: Sceptre, throne and crown.

3. ‘’ It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest;.’’

a) What is compared to the gentle rain? / What does ‘ it ‘ refer to ? 

Ans: mercy

b) What benefit does it bring to the people? / Why it is twice blest ?

Ans: It blesses both the giver and the taker.

c) Why does the king need it in the context? 

Ans: because his justice will be merciful

4. ‘’ The quality of mercy is not strain’d It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven.’’

a)What is mercy compared to? 

Ans: Gentle rain from heaven

b) Why does the poet says that mercy is not strain’d? 

Ans: Because it is divine power

c) What does ‘ strain’d’ mean in the context? 

Ans: forced / compelled Summary ( 3/ 4 marks):

Mercy cannot be forced. It comes naturally and brings joy of the spirit, like the rain which drops from the sky. It is twice blessed. The person who shows mercy and the person who receives it are both blessd by God.It is not a quality of the weak. It is strongest in the strongest. It adorns a king better than his crown. His sceptre shows his earthly power. It makes people fear him. But mercy is greater than earthly power, because it is the special quality of God Himself. Mercy is so great that the heart of a king is its throne. A powerful man should blend justice with mercy, only then will he be most like God.

Poetry - 2 The Quality Of Mercy | Class 10 Second Language English Scoring Package | SSLC English Passing Package | 10th English Important Questions | X English Question Answers |


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