Prose-3 Gentleman Of Rio en Medio | Class 10 Second Language English Scoring Package | SSLC English Passing Package | 10th English Important Questions | X English Question Answers |

Prose-3 Gentleman Of Rio en Medio | Class 10 Second Language English Scoring Package | SSLC English Passing Package | 10th English Important Questions | X English Question Answers |

3. Gentleman of Rio en Medio

- Juan A.A. Sedilo

Two marks questions:

1.Why do you think Don Anselmo didn’t sell the trees in the orchard ? 

OR ‘’ 

Don Anselmo was very fond of children.’’ Justify. OR Don Anselmo had concern for the children of Rio- en - medio. Explain briefly OR Don Anselmo was passionate about his land and the children of Rio en Medio. Support this statement with your answer. [ For 3 marks also]

Ans: Don Anselmo lived up in Rio en Medio. He tilled the same land his ancestors had tilled. He planted a tree every time a Child was born in the village. He felt that they didnot belong to him but to the children. He did not sell the trees when he sold the land to the Americans.

2.. Why do you think the Americans wanted to buy Don Anselmo’s property?

Ans : The little creek ran through his land. His orchard was gnarled and beautiful. So, to lead a happy and peaceful life they buy his land.

3. How can you say that Don Anselmo was a man of principles ? 


How can you say that the Americans were truthful to Don Anselmo ? OR Don Anselmo and the Americans were generous in their own way. Justify. OR What makes you think that the Americans were good people ? ( June-20)

Ans : When the Americans discovered that Don Anselmo owned more than eight acres of extra land, they offered him almost double the price. But Don Anselmo stuck to his word. He refused to take extra money.

4. What kind of a man was Don Anselmo?

Ans : Don Anselmo was generous. He was a man of principles.

5. How did the old man greet the people who had been waiting for him?

Ans: The old man bowed to all of them. Then he removed his hat and gloves, slowly and carefully.

6. Why did the Americans complain about the children of Rio en Medio?

Ans: The children were overrunning their property. They came every day and played under the trees. They built little fence around the trees and took blossoms.

Three marks questions:

1. Don Anselmo’s appearance and manners were quite unusual. Explain briefly.

Ans:Don Anselmo wore an old, green faded coat. His gloves too were old and torn and his finger tips showed through them. He carried a cane which was the skeleton of a worn – out umbrella. When he entered the room he bowed to all and slowly removed his hat and gloves. This reminds the writer the style of Charlie Chaplin.


1. “We have made a discovery”.

a) Who is the speaker? 

Ans: Story teller/narrator

b) Who does ‘we’ refer to? 

Ans: Americans

c) What did they discover? 

Ans: Don Anselmo owned more than eight acres of land

d) What was the result of the discovery? / How did they respond after the discovery?

Ans: They offered him double the amount.

2.“ Friend’, he said I don’t like to have you speak me in that manner”.

a) Who does ‘I’refer to? 

Ans: Don Anselmo.

b) What made him react so? 

Ans: Americans offered him double the price for his extra land.

c) What was his decision? 

Ans: He refused to take more than the amount agreed upon

d) What is the mood of the speaker? 

Ans: He felt that he was being insulted.

e) Who did he address as friend? 

Ans: narrator / story teller

3.“I did not sell the trees because I could not.”

a) Who was the speaker here? 

Ans: Don Anselmo

b) Who was he speaking to? 

Ans: Story teller/narrator

c) Why could he not sell the trees?

Ans:- He thought the trees belonged to the children of Rio en Medio.

4.“These Americans are Buena gente.”

a) Who is the speaker? 

Ans: Story teller/narrator

b) What does ‘Buena gente’ mean? 

Ans: good people.

c) Why did the speaker call Americans Buena gente?

Ans: Because they offered double the price for Don Anselmo’s extra land.

5.“The trees in that orchard are not mine”

a) Who is the speaker? 

Ans: Don Anselmo

b) According to to Don Anselmo, who did the trees belong to? 

Ans: to the children of Rio-en –Medio

c) Why did he feel so? 

Ans: Because he planted a tree every time a child was born in the village

6.“I have agreed to sell my house and land for twelve hundred dollars and that is the price”.

a) Who does ‘I’ refer to? 

Ans: Don Anselmo

b) Why did he agree to sell the land for the Americans? 

Ans: because they were good people.

c) Why did he take only twelve hundred dollars for the land? / What does the statement tell about the speaker ? 

Ans: he was a man of principles.

7.“Yes, I Admit that”.

a) Who is the ‘I’? 

Ans: Don Anselmo

b) Who is he speaking to? 

Ans: Story teller/ narrator

c) What did he admit?

Ans: If the land or orchard was sold the possession of the trees in that place was also to buyers.

8. “ I argued with him but it was useless.”

a) Who is the ‘ I ‘.? 

Ans: The narrator / story teller

b) What was the argument about? 

Ans: Americans were ready to pay more for Anselmo’s extra land. But he didn’t agree.

c) Why was it useless? 

Ans: Because Don Anselmo refused to take extra amount.

9.“ This was bad, Don Anselmo.”

a) Who is the speaker ? 

Ans: The narrator / story teller

b) What was bad according to the speaker? 

Ans: Don Anselmo said that he sold only the land

but not the trees in the orchard.

c) How did Don Anselmo defend his action? 

Ans: Don Anselmo defended that he planted a tree every time a child was born in the village. So, the trees belonged to the children of the village.

10. “ It took months of negotiation to come to an understanding with the old man.”

a) Who does ‘ the old man’ refer to ? 

Ans: Don Anselmo

b) What was the negotiation about ? 

Ans: sale of the old man’s land

c) Why do you think it took months to come to an understanding?

Ans: because the old man was in no hurry

d) Who is the speaker? 

Ans: The narrator / story teller

e) What does ‘ negotiation’ mean in the context ? 

Ans: official discussion


Prose-3 Gentleman Of Rio en Medio | Class 10 Second Language English Scoring Package | SSLC English Passing Package | 10th English Important Questions | X English Question Answers |


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