Trade and commerce relationship between India Europe is very ancient.

There was a great demand for spices in Europe like pepper,cardamom,ginger and clove

Constantinople was a centre of European trade , Gate of European trade

Arab merchants got monopoly over Asian trade while Italy had monopoly over Europe trade .

The fall of Constantinople

● Asia and Europe trade was taking place through Constantinople

● It was captured by Ottoman Turks in 1453 and controlled

● Turks started to levy more taxes on goods pass through

● Traders felt trade is not profitable and stopped business

● Spain and Portugal encouraged sailing to search route to India

● The inventions of compass , Astrolabe , gunpowder and map provided further boost

to sailing

A new sea route to INDIA :

Vasco da Gama came to India in 1498. He reached India on the West Coast particular place

Calicut present Kerala state. He left Lisbon and a directly reached Kappadu India.

European companies :

● Portuguese - Portugal

● Dutch - Holland. United East India company

● French - France. French east India company

● English - England. English east India company

Portuguese :

● The first to reach India last to leave India

● Francisco De Almeida was the first Viceroy of Portuguese he brought in Blue Water


● Alfonso De Albuquerque was the real founder of Portuguese captured Goa from

Sultan of Bijapur in 1510.

● Goa was the administrative centre in India

● Portuguese cover declared after the English and French


● They are from Holland or Netherland they established United East India Company in

the 1602

● Their important warehouses are Surat brooch Kambe Kochi Nagapattinam



● Queen Elizabeth issued Royal charter to East India Company to trade for 15 years. It

was issued on December 31st 1600 CE

● Emperor Jahangir issued Royal permission to establish Factory at Surat

● Sir Thomas Roe arrived Jahangir's Court 1617 by James first. Got permission to

establish factories at Agra Ahmedabad and brooch

● They took Madras from Chandragiri Kings and established Saint George Fort

● Charles II the prince of England gave Bombay to East India company in 1668 for an

annual rent 10 pounds

● English purchased villages ie Sutanati, Kalikata, Govindapura and build Fort William

Fort at Calcutta

● Letter by 17th century Bombay Madras Kolkata became important presidencies


● They started first Factory at Surat in 1668 . Machilipatnam chandranagar Mahi

Karaikal kasimbazar Balasore.

● They took Valikandapuram major Trade center (Pondicherry)

● Duplay was the Governor General of French

The competition between English and French:

Political Uprising aroused in Hyderabad and Carnatic and English and French had exploit

the situation this led to Carnatic wars

1. First Carnatic War 1746 to 48

● Madras was captured by La Bourdannais a military leader of Mauritius on the

request of Dupleix

● The helpless British request the help of Anwar Uddin the Carnatic Nawab. He fail to

defeat French

● Bourdannais took money from British and returned Madras back to British

● This war end with Treaty of Aix laChapel

2. Second Carnatic War 1749-54

● French made salabath Jung son of Asaf Jha Nizam of Hyderabad . Bussi was

appointed to protect him

● Chanda sahib was Nawab of Carnatic with the support of French

● Chanda Sahib defeated by Robert clive Undertaken Arcot the capital of Carnatic

● English made Muhammad Ali as Nawab of Carnatic. The war was ended with

Pondicherry treaty

3. Third Carnatic War 1756-63

● Comte de lally attempted to capture wandiwash in 1760

● Sir Eyer coote of English defeated French and Bussi was jailed. Coote attacked


● French lost all the places in India

● This war ended with Treaty of Paris in 1763

● Pondicherry return back to French They lost importance in India British consolidated

there power in India.

Battle of Plassey 1757

This war held between Siraj Ud dowla and English in 1757

Reasons :

1. Misuse of Dastakhs . It was a license to make trade . This was lead to loss of treasury of


2. Mending of fort without permission . English repaired Calcutta Fort and placed


3. Black room tragedy . Nawab of Bengal imprisoned 146 Englishman in small room of Fort

William of which 123 died due to suffocation this enraged Robert Clive to arrive Bengal.


● The war brought out immorality lack of Unity among Indians. This was the greed of


● Mir Jafar became the new Nawab of Bengal

● The company gained exclusive rights on Bengal

● Mir Jafar had to play 17 crore 70 lakh as a relief to Sairaj hotel attack

● Mir Jafar became victim of the company and treasury went bankrupt.

Battle of Buxar: 1764

Mir Qasim was enable administrator he was loyal to the company spared 200000 pounds

and some places given to company. He declared himself as independent king. Declared

business duty free in Bengal as a result Indians competed against British so trade suffered.


Mir Qasim +Shah Alam II +Nawab of Awadh against British Hectore Monroe


● Shah Alam II accorded Diwani rights over Bengal. Diwani means Right to collect tax

● He gave away all rights over Bengal for an annual fee 26 lakh rupees

● The Nawab of Oudh had to give a fine of 50 lakh rupees for waging war

● The company paid pension to Mir Jafar son and took over entire administration of


● British became real holders of Bihar Bengal and Orissa

● Robert Clive brought in dual government concept, “ the British had the right to collect

land taxes where as the Nawab had power over administration issues like justice and


● British gain political control over India


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