

● The process of enhancing societies capacity to satisfy its need on a large scale is

referred as development.

● Economic development refers to increase in a country's capacity to serve the

economic interests of its citizens and overcoming economic problems.


● The world development refers to progress in a particular field

● Prof.Meier and Baldwin - “ economic development is a process whereby an economy

is real national income increased over a long period of time

1. Process: operation of forces bring change in factors of production. Demand for

product changes due to size and composition of population, level and distration of

income, taste . These changes leads to rise in national income.

2. Real national income: the total value of all goods and services produced in a country

during one year is called national income. Higher the national income higher the

development. The word real refers to purchasing power of income. Maintaining price

stability leads to development.

3. Long period: increase in real national income should be sustained for long period of

time at least 10 years. Factors of production and demand for goods service should be


Professor Colin Clark:

● Define economic development as improvement in economic welfare or

reducing economic skills like poverty helping a country to achieve self

sustained growth

● Ensuring every person benefited by the process of development is called

inclusive development

● Preserving natural resources and environment for the benefit of future

generation is called sustainable development

● Economic development in whole includes increasing income, attaining quality

reducing poverty, unemployment ,conserving resources, nature and enhancing



● It denotes backward level of Living Style lower per capita income and lower


● Underdeveloped countries are capable of development and making serious supports

to overcome their problems these are now call developing countries

● World Bank and its report countries are classified as high, medium and low. Medium

and low referred as developing countries

● India is a prominent developing country it has significant rise in income since 1990

● The primary purpose of economic progress in enhancement of human welfare

● Ensuring basic minimum amenities . only increasing income may not

guarantee quality of life

● Mehboob Ul Haq Pakistani economist inspired by Amartya Sen Nobel Laureate.

He define important requirements to enjoy life is ability to lead healthy long life

and being literate.

● Having income to purchase minimum amenities he called this as human


Measuring human development:

● It is measured on the basis of three indicators . 1. Life expectancy 2. Education

achievement. 3. Standard of life

● Health is measured in terms of life expectancy

● Education is measured in terms of literacy attainment

● Standard of living by purchasing power and per capita income. The average of this 3

is HDI

● In 2014 India rank at 135 out of 187 countries. 0.586 HDI

● India is in middle group of human development. In 2012 India ranked 136 out of 186

countries. 0.554 HDI

Gender related development:

● The role of women in the development process is very significant. Gender

discrimination medicine in various dimensions of economy and polity

● Sex ratio is an important indicator shows inequality. It was 945 per thousand men


● Women Literacy rate was 65.46 In 2011.

● Lower veg compared to men in all sectors. It is more malnutrition among women than


● There is high rate of maternal, infant and child mortality rate.

● Enable practice of detecting the gender is the reason for decline declining sex ratio in

the country.

Promoting participation of women:

Self help group :

● It is a group of women usually 20 members who come together to share resources

obtain external support Undertaker business jointly and earn income

● They are trained in managing accounts and business transactions

● Helping women to earth save and spend at their willingness

● The dignity and autonomy has increased

● Empowerment is a process that influence people with power, access to resources,

expanse individual capacity power of decision.


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