Countries cannot live in isolation . Every country needs to have foreign policy . India has

been considered as one of the major countries of the world with population resource military

intellectual and industrial capacity.

Aims of Indian foreign policy:

a. National security

b. Enriching National economy

c. Spreading cultural richness in another country

d. increasing number of friendly countries and check the power of Enemy country

e. Achieving world peace and coexistence

*Jawaharlal Nehru outlined foreign policy of India. Expressed it on radio speech September

7th 1946. Foreign policy of India is also called as foreign policy of Nehru*

Factors influence on India's foreign policy:

1. Issues of national interest and geographical interest

2. Political situation

3. Economic interest

4. Military issues

5. Public opinion and international situation.

Basic aspects of India's foreign policy:

1. Panchsheel principles:

Both India and China accepted panchsheel principles in 1954 to foster International

Relation. Jawaharlal Nehru and Chou en lai PM of China signed the agreement

a. Respecting each other's sovereignty and regional interest

b. Non invasion of each other

c. Non interference each other

d. Mutual cooperation and respect

e. Peaceful coexistence

2. Non aligned movement:

● The world divided into two blocks after the end of Second World War

● USA and USSR emerged as powerful countries in the world

● India was neutral and did not join with each blocks

● India security financial assistance from USA and military aid from USSR

● Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri and Indira Gandhi followed the principle of Eye

for an eye

● Wars held in 1965 and 1971 with Pakistan were triggered by this policy

3. Anti imperialism:

● an intention of ruling another country for personal gain is called imperialism

● India opposite because it gained its independence from an Imperial country

● India declared no corner of the world shell have imperialism Bandung conference

held in 1949 1955 at New Delhi and Bundung.

4. Anti Apartheid policy:

● discrimination of race on the basis of skin colour is called Apartheid policy

● Apartheid is a affront to human rights world peace

● India declared that no country of the world shell practice this policy

● India has declared it support to Nelson Mandela and his party African National

Congress to end this policy in their country

5. Disarmament:

● The process of elimination of specific arms step by step is called disarmament

● Massive production of arms leads to third world war, countries have more arms may

attack another country intentionally

● Armament leads to massive devastation and destruction of life and property

● Nuclear arms makes more complicated issue today

“India being peace loving country advocates reduction of arms qualitatively as

well as quantitatively since the time of Nehru India supported for disarmament. every

country needs arms for protection but an attempt can be made to reduce number of


*Article 51 advocates to have foreign policy

*India has strong foreign relation with SAARC, Commonwealth Nations and UNO.


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