It is discussed under the article 51 international peace and coexistence

India and China:

● Relationship between both country goes back to Mesopotamia and Indus valley


● Buddhism originated in India and more accepted in China

● Indian rulers had cordial relationship with China

● Silk trade discussed in Kautilya economics

● Botht country signed for Panchsheel principles in 1954

● The war broke out between two Nation in 1962 Tibetan crisis

● Border dispute. China has claimed on Arunachal Pradesh

● Both countries are major role in BRICS

● in spite of War both countries have health bilateral relationship both countries are

leading economic growth.

India Pakistan:

● It was integral part of India during pre independence. Both emerged as independent

nations in 1947

● Issues like terrorism Jammu and Kashmir issue water dispute . India fought 3 wars

against Pakistan

● Agreements like Tashkent, Shimla, Lahore bus Yatra, Agra conference signed

● Attack on Parliament House 2001 Mumbai attack 2007 Pathankot attack 2016

affected the quality of bilateral relationship

● Both share, cultural and economic ties mutual exchange

● mutual trade have continued both responded during emergency and natural


India Russia:

● India has cordial relationship with Russia even though it had non aligned movement


● USSR opposed China invasion on India in 1962

● USSR supported during Goa Liberation in 1961

● It supported Tashkent agreement in 1966

● Both countries signed for 20 years peace cooperation 1971

● Extended support for establishment of Bhilai and Bokaro Steel plants

● It shared industrial Technology with India

● Supported India to have permanent seat in UNO

India USA:

● Both are democratic countries and have a major role to play

● During Bipolar world and cold war India maintained equal distance from Russia and


● USA supported the lot to five year plans

● US support during Indo China war 1965 and Indo Pak war

● India Has better relationship with USA in foreign trade science technology space and


● share mutual Responsibility in strengthening UNO and maintenance of global peace.



Social inequality:

● People are stratified according to various qualities , caste

profession, class and race

● Social inequalities or in the ground of income education

opportunity health facilities and participation

● The neglect of food social security cast income discrimination

makes one to understand inequality

Education and inequality:

● The Social Justice aspect of education can be seen in directive

policies and preamble.

● Article 39 tells that providing Social Justice people welfare is the

duty of government

● Article 21A describes free and compulsory education for 6 to 14

age group

● Article 45 describes free and compulsory education

● Article 19 describes right to speak and Express

● Article 29 describes protection of cultural rights of minorities

● Article 30 describes establishment of educational institutions

● Article 46 describes duty of government to support education the

interests of SC and ST

● Article 21 describes right to live.

● The court has said entire education structure from anganavadi to

higher education should be seen from Holistic prospective it is the

part of right to live.

● Opportunities for an equal opportunities in education due to

various legal issues

Gender inequality:

● It is one of the various social inequalities influences on an

individual may be due to the thoughts of the family our neighbours

● Supporting education of a boy or a girl has more in the social

square of human life


● It is social in nature based on social recognition importance but not

physical traits it is on education income profession and skill

● It is universal and all over the world

● It is existed since birth of society to nomadic and till Modern Times

● It is existed in the different ways.

Major forms of social stratification:

1. Primitive society

2. Slavery society

3. Estate system

4. Varna system

5. Caste system

Untouchability a social evil:

There was a varna system which based on Karma theory

● Practice of untouchability begin in varna system

● Based on inequality in socioeconomic areas life

● British government classified untouchables and tribal people as SC

and ST in 1935

● Untouchability is heinous expression of caste system. Which is the

leprosy attached to Hindu skin. MK Gandhi

● And analysis of group of people stayed outside the village whether

came from outside or were pushed outside , provides an answer to

the birth and practice of untouchability- BR Ambedkar

Problems of untouchability,:

● The lowest position in social Strata. One who touch untouchable

had to go under purification. Even he had to that if he walked away

with untouchable having the distance of cow tail - Manu

● They were kept outside the education. Restriction on vedic


● They were bar from learning Sanskrit. Ambedkar for hard to realise

people importance of education. Education is a public property

brought Revolutionary ideas thoughts and come up with provisions

and the directions in the draught of constitution that's why he is

called the chief architect of Indian Constitution.

● Denial of property rights. They were not allowed to own any

property only expected to serve Masters this is in human and

violation of basic human rights

● Denial loves political participation rights . They were not allowed in

politics during Vedic period even during British period.

Legal measures taken to eradicate untouchability:

● The Article 17 of Indian constitution prohibits untouchability

● The Government of India has implemented untouchability crime act

in 1955

● Civil rights Protection Act implemented in 1976 with amending to

1955 act

● Universal rights to vote and participation in election also been


● Reservations are been given in the field of education employment

for SC and ST and backward classes

● The act of 1989 regulations.


● Division of labour leads to organic merger of various sections of


● Division of labour necessary to fulfill the needs of social economic

and political needs

Karl Marx says that:

● Division of labour creates less skilled workers

● We classify labours to economic labour and social labour

● economic labour goes with technical and cooperation

● Social labour control through class status and stratification

● Division of labour can be seen in industrialized society in digital

world it is done through computers

● Specialisation creates division of labour

● Deepa knowledge and depth skill in particular field is called


● it has helped people to gain skill and money

● Class system has emerged due to division of labour

● Business and industrialisation has emerged

● As a result few people could invest and earn profit

● division of labour is based on age interest gender talent capacity

skill and special skill

Inequality in employment:

● earning in cash or kind by providing ones manual and intellectual

is called labour

● reliable that goes against dictum equal labour equal play can be

termed as inequality in labor

● Discrimination in payment on the basis of gender physical effort

and age. Men are paid more than women

● Discrimination of my pet is less in government sector. It is more in

agricultural sector which is based on gender age and capacity

● It is more about educated and uneducated.

Unpaid and paid labours:

if work is done without payment it is called unpaid labour.

Ex; Scouts and Guides NCC ITI nursing artists painters family domestic

work done by mother

The work which is paid or gets compensation is called paid work

Factory workers teachers building workers. They get monetary

compensation for the work.

Organised labourers:

● Sector which is enrolled as per law of the Government and

provided fixed wage facility within framework of laws

● it is guided by minimum wage act factory act special allowances

provident fund

● School hospitals Industries banks are the example

● It is mandatory to pay taxes

● They have special facilities employment security

● It is guided by legal modalities

Unorganised labours:

● it is the sector where legal provision do not completely


● relationship between employer and employee not guided by legal


● the sector does not follow legal provisions of government

● There is no tax provision

● Vehicle repair vendors pushcart vendors are the example

● no fixed time duration of work they earn on daily basis

● they will not receive any medical benefits and no paid leaves

The challenges faced by unorganised workers:

● they do not have fixed wage fixed pay and no definite benefits

● Migration of people in search of work today have no social security

● There is no security no basic facilities

● Workers do not receive as for work duration as per Payment of

Gratuity Act 1971

● Unorganised sector posters child labour they need to work in an

healthy environment mining and crackers production

● Physical and mental exploitation of women.

● 77% women are working in unorganised sector.


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