● Land use and pattern of India:

● the distribution of land for different purpose is called land utilisation

● Factors influence on land utilisation:

Relief features



Population and Technical factors


1. Net area sown

2. Forest area

3. Land not available for cultivation

4. Fallow land

Land which is not used for cultivation for some years is called fallow land

5. Cultivable waste land

6. Permanent pasture

7. Miscellaneous use


tilling of the soil for rising food crops raw materials needed by human beings is called



● Nearly 65% people depend on agriculture

● Economic progress of the country depends on agriculture

● Source of livelihood

● Source of national income

● Source of food and fodder

● Supports tertiary sector

● Supports industrial growth

Types of agriculture

1. Subsistence farming

The production of crops is consumed by the farmers and family

Primitive method used. Widely practiced in northeast States

shifting and sedentary are the two types of subsistence farming

● Shifting cultivation. Patch of forest is cleared and born to be cultivated in fertility of

soil is reduced

● It is practiced by the tribal s in North Eastern states. It is called jhuming in Assam

● Ponam in Kerala

● Podu in Andhra Pradesh

Sedentary: cultivation of land at fixed location

2. Intensive farming.

Large amount of capital and Labour are applied for unit land

Land intensively cultivated throughout the year

Formers raise to 3 crops to get maximum production due to small Holdings

3. Commercial farming.

Crops are grown for the market and use small amount of labour and machine

4. Mixed farming.

Involving cultivation of crops and livestock rearing introduced in India since 1951

5. Plantation farming.

Cultivation of single crop in large estates. Require more labour and capital. Tea rubber and


6. Dry farming.

Method of forming carried very scanty rainfall. Practiced in Peninsular India and Rajasthan

7. Human forming.

Cultivation of crops in areas of sufficient rainfall

8. Irrigation farming.

It is essential because rainfall is uneven uncertain and insufficient. artificial supply of water to

Agricultural area is called irrigation farming.

Crop season

1. Kharif : during rainy season or onset of monsoon rainfall. Rice Jowar Ragi tobacco


2. Rabi : during winter or during retreating monsoon rainfall. Wheat Barley and linseed

3. Zaid : between winter and rainy season. Watermelon cucumber and vegetables

Cropping pattern:

Proportion of an area under different crops at given time is God cropping pattern. soil ,size

water, income and Technology influence on cropping pattern

Major crops of India

1. Rice : major tropical crop and kharif crop.

Temperature :18 to 25 degree Celsius

Soil :alluvial

Rain :100 to 200 CM rainfall

Areas: West Bengal is the largest producer of rice

2. Wheat:

Staple food and it is a Rabi crop

Temperature: 10 to 15 degree celsius

Rain: 70cm

Soil: black

Areas: Northern plain Uttar Pradesh is the largest producer of Wheat

3. Sugar cane:

What is the native crop of India

Temperature: 21 to 26 degree Celsius

Soil: Alluvial soil

Rain: 100 to 150 cm

Areas : Uttar Pradesh Maharashtra Tamil Nadu Karnataka

4. Tobacco:

It is a cash crop and tropical crop. Used for beedi cigar hookahs and Snuff.

Temperature: 21 to 23 degree Celsius

Soil: sandy loam soil

Rain: 50 to 100 cm

Area: Andhra Pradesh Gujarat Uttar Pradesh

5. Cotton:

It is a industrial and fibre crop. Tropical and kharif crop

Temperature: 21 to 24 degree celsius

Soil: black

Rain: 100 cm

Areas: Gujarat Maharashtra

6. Tea:

It is a beverage crop producing stimulating drinks

It is a plantation and tropical crop

Temperature: 21 to 25 degree Celsius

Soil: mountain soil

Slope of mountain altitude of 2400 m is required

Areas: Assam West Bengal Tamilnadu and Kerala


The intensive cultivation of fruit vegetable flower and aromatic plants

● it makes agriculture more profitable generate employment and increase export

provide nutritional security

● India emerged as important producer it is the second largest producer in world it's

share 11 % Global fruit market and 7 % vegetable.


Plays a significant role in agriculture generate income provide employment and increase the


Areas of floriculture Tamil Nadu Karnataka Andhra Pradesh Maharashtra and West Bengal

are the leading flower produces


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