● British East India company fulfilled commercial needs. They observed fracture

Political situation .

● The implemented divide and rule policy and employed war and negotiation method

● The British integrated whole India under one Administration and political structure

● Education Judiciary land Texas trade agriculture were regulated under various laws.

● The company implemented various administrative experiments to achiever new order

in India.

Administrative and judicial system:

1. Civil services:

● Lord Cornwallis introduced civil services in India and appointed employees for the

purpose of trade

● Government of England implemented regulating act in 1773 to bring control over

corrupt employees

● In 1800 Lord Cornwallis open the Fort William college in Kolkata for Aspiring to join

civil services

● In 1853 onwards appointment was done through examinations

● British suspected efficiency of Indians so that Lord Cornwallis argued “ All the natives

of Hindustan are completely corrupt” . Later lower grade jobs work given to Indians.

2. The judicial system:

● Mughal emperor Shah Alam II handed over Diwani rights authority to collect land


● The dual government system was introduced by Robert Clive in which British

manage is the revenue collected. Civil and Judiciary system was given to Indians this

lead to implementation of new judicial system in India.

● Warren Hastings took administration in 1772 as first governor and devised two type

of courts , a) Diwani Adalat- Civil Court

b) Faujdari Adalat- Criminal Court

● Hindus and Muslims were dispensed justice as per Hindu scripture and shariyath


● Civil courts were under European offices and criminal courts under Qajis

3. Police system:

● Lord Cornwallis implemented the official police system and he created new post

superintendent of police

● He divided district administration Centre Kotwal and every village under chaukidar

● Due to severe drought in 1770 led to weak law and order in India the police system

came under British officer

● Department of British magistrates started in 1781 and in 1861 police love was


● In 1902 the police commission law allowed suitable education qualification for the


4. Military system:

● The military was base of the administration British appointed Indians and took control

of India with the help of military

● The Indians could not reached even the rank of Subedar most Indians were Coolie


● The British government accepted the recommendations of Peel in 1857 and military

system was redesigned.

5. Land taxes and policies:

British implemented land tax policies to stabilize financial interest in secured manner.

Company paid four lakh pound to British government as they had control over Bengal .

a. Permanent zamindari system:

● Lord Cornwallis implemented in 1793 in Bengal and Bihar region

● Zamindar was the landowner and expected to pay land tax

● Zamindar was free to collect any amount of tax and retained money collected

● Company has the right to cancel land ownership if Zamindar fail to pay tax during

flood and famine.

● Company greatly benefited. farmers were grave sufferers

● Farmers were exploited and led insecured life.

● The system extended to Orissa Andhra Pradesh and Varanasi

● The Indian farmers were born and debt lived in debt and died in debt Charles


b. Mahalwari system:

● It was implemented by RM Beard and James Thompson

● It was implemented in Madhya Pradesh Punjab Delhi and Uttar Pradesh

● Company officials fixed more land tax then production marginal farmers and Labour

suffered when Zamindar lost their land.

● Mahaldar service tax collecting offices, Mahal means Taluk

c. Ryotwari system:

● It was implemented by Alexander Read in 1792 in Baramahal region. Later it was

implemented by Thomas Munro in the 1801 in Madras Mysore region

● Both formals and company directly linked. Tiller was the owner of the land

● Owner had to pay 50% of produce as land tax and it was the tenure of 30 years

● Formals for subjected to more suffering due to heavy tax officials to punitive actions

to collect taxes

● Farmers had to borrow money from lenders to pay tax when cross was failed

● More farmers had to lose their land due to this implementation

Impact of British land tax system:

● A new class of zamindars was created

● Zamindars became landless

● Live became commodity loans could be raised by mortgage of land

● Many zamindars had to mortgage their land to pay land tax

● The agricultural sector became commercialized and had to grow raw materials

needed for England factories

● Money lenders became strong.

The modern education system:

● Certain changes occurred in traditional education system of India during Muslim rule

middle age and British rule

● Initially new school started for the children of British and not extended this facility for

locals since it was no use for them

● Warren Hastings facilitated modern education in India started the Calcutta Madrasa

● Jonathan Duncan started is Sanskrit college and Banaras in 1792

● Charles Grand passed universalisation of the British Education in 1854

● Lord William Bentinck appointed Lord Mecaculay as the member of Executive

committee and chairperson of education committee

● Lord Macaulay submitted report on education in 1835. Aim - creation of new class of

Indians who are Indians by body but British in intelligence opinion and taste

● Lord Dalhousie established universities in Calcutta Bombay Madras according to

Charles wood Commission 1854.

The impact of British Education in India:

● development of modernity secularism democratic attitude rationality Nationalistic

ideas in Indians

● Increased local literature language and facilitated The Unity in thinking process

● Emerged periodicals and enabled Indians to have critical opinions on various issues

● New social and religious Reform movement started

● Brought fresh thinking in your mind by JS mill Rousseau and Montesque

● Indians were influenced by freedom struggles of other countries

● Indian could understand and appreciate their rich tradition

● Created a new generation of Indians with progressive attitude

Constitutional development:

Reformation became important to alleviate problems. British attempted to create rules in the

form of law and try to implement them.

1. Regulating act 1773:

● The greedy company officials misused Diwani rights and became corrupt. To control

over East India company in the Act was implemented.

● Edmund Burke British parliamentarian and criticized the tax payment received by

England Government and company termed as criminal tax

● The Bengal Presidency got control over Madras and Bombay

● The governor general come to the post in place of governor

● Governor general authorised to control supervise presidencies

● Bombay Madras Presidency cannot declare War on anyone without permission of


● Supreme Court of judicature came to existence in Kolkata. Having one chief justice

and three judges

2. Pitt's India Act: 1784

● In order to rectify inconsistencies in regulating act 1773 and to outline powers of

company the Act was implemented

● A new Board of controllers came to being and it was replaced by board of directors

● It was declared that Indians have attended the Paramount power in the name of

British Empire only but not on their own.

● It curtailed political rights of Indians

● Declared possessions of company are the integral part of British Empire

Charter acts:

Charter acts aim to renew the licence of East India Company. Charters implemented

once in 20 years

Charter act 1813:

● This act licenced the company to stay for 20 years. And allowed interested person to

carry out trade in India. Free trade Era was started.

● A new era of licence started

● Appointment of governor generals started

● Churches were allowed to enter India official. Missionary is arrived to India to carry

out education development.

● English education system started in India.

● This app is also known as historic act

Charter act 1833:

● Improve the Indian situation was the aim of this act

● Bengal Governor General named as governor general of India

● Governor general was vested power to control trade

● Central Government of Bengal had final right to decide what is and diplomatic


● The act barred discrimination on religious skin and birth

● Governor general mandated to appoint love professionals to his executive committee

● All British companies were allowed to have trade relationship in India

British government acts -1858 to 1947

1. Indian government act 1858

● The licence of company was cancelled India was brought under administration of


● Governor general changed as Viceroy Lord Canning was the first viceroy of India

● A new post secretary of state for India created in British Parliament

● Council of India created to assist secretary in administration

2. Indian Council act 1861

● Indians were allowed in participation and creating laws

● This is the policy of assertion in order to understand aspirations of Indians and


● Indian nominated for Council of Viceroy

● Viceroy authorised to proclaim ordinances in case of emergencies

3. Indian Council act 1892

● Further extended participation of Indians in Legislative bodies

● Regional and Central legislation was created

● The legislature Council for the increased

● Provision was made to question government on public issues

4. Indian Council act 1909:

● It is also called as Minto Morley reforms act

● Minto was the viceroy Marley was his secretary

● This site used to divide and rule India

● Central Legislative Council strength decrease 16 from 60

● Regional Council members increased

● Act allowed regional Council members through election for representation

● Separate electorate college was created to provide representation for Muslims

5. Indian Council act 1919:

● What is also called as montagu chelmsford reforms

● Formulated bicameral system like lower house and Upper house

● Dyarchy was allowed at regional governments

● High commissioner was appointed for India

● Local self government was improve

● Provincial budget separated from Central budget

● Electoral college was extended for sikh Europeans and Anglo Indians

6. Indian government act 1935:

● It is the base of formation of Indian Constitution. The report submitted in 1928 by

Motilal Nehru. Most the provisions in our constitution are based on this act

● Federal system Indian principalities introduce. Dominion status was formed

● Reserve Bank of India was established

● Dyarchy established and Central Government

● Dyarchy cancelled at regional level and autonomy was granted

● The Federal Court was established


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