EFFECTS OF BRITISH RULE IN INDIA |2021 SSLC Exam Preparation Questions | 1 Mark Question in 10th Social Science |


One Mark Questions

1. The first newspaper of India is was ______

Ans: The Bengal Gazette

2. The other name of Bengal Gazette was _______

Ans: Calcutta General Advertiser

3. Kesari and Maratha were the newspapers started by _________

Ans: Balagangadhra Tilak

4. The Zamindari system was Implemented by ______

Ans : Lord Cornwallis

5. The Ryotwari system was introduced by _________

Ans: Alexabder Reid

6. The revenue system which guaranteed ownership rights of the land was ______

Ans : Ryotwari System

7. Mahal means _________

Ans: Taluk

8. Mahalwari system was introduced by ______ and ______

Ans : R.M. Baird and James Thomson

9. Under Mahalwari system the incharge of collecting tax was ________

Ans: Mahaldar

10. Lord William Bentinck introduced English education on the recommendation of  ______

Ans : Lord Macauly

11. Charleswood suggested to give priority for _________

Ans: Primary education

12. The first railway line in 1853 was laid between ______ and _____

Ans : Mumbai and Thane

13.Lord Cornwallis introduced the administration of civil services. Why?

Ans: Because the system of appointing employees for the purpose of trade was done by East India company from the beginning.

14.What is the main aim of Regulating Act in 1773?

Ans: As the name suggests to enforce control.

15.Lord Cornwallis opened Fort William College in Calcutta. Why?

Ans: For the benefit of people aspiring to join Civil Services.

16. “All the natives of Hindustan are completely corrupt” Who said this?

Ans: Lord Cornwallis

17.Only lower grade jobs were given to Indians. Why?

Ans: Because according to Lord Cornwallis “All the natives of Hindustan are completely corrupt”.

18. All the appointments for Civil Services were done by the directors. Why?

Ans: Because did not find support from the directors of the East India Company.

19.What is Diwani Right?

Ans: The authority to collect land taxes to the British.

20.What is Dual Government or Governance?

Ans: The authority to collect land taxes, civil and judiciary were given to the Indian officials, whereas the British retained the authority of managing the revenue collected.

21.Name the two courts established by warren Hastings in 1772.

Ans: 1) Each district ‘A dewani Adalat (Civil Court)

2) ‘A Fouzadaari Adalat’ (Criminal court)

22.What is ‘Shariyat’?

Ans: The law of Muslims is known as Shariyat.

23. Criminal Courts were under the control of _______

Ans: ‘Qajis’

24. ‘Qajis’ were functioning under the supervision of _____

Ans: European officers.

25.Who implemented the efficient police system in India for the first time?

Ans: Lord Cornwallis

26. Who created the new post of SP?

Ans: Lord Cornwallis.

27.What is the Duty of ‘Kotwal’?

Ans: He was the Head of the each Police Station and made accountable for thefts, crimes and other law violations at village level.

28.In 1770, The entire police system was brought under the control of the British officers. Why?

Ans: The severe drought of 1770 led to the weak law and order situation.

29.When did Indian Police System came into force?

Ans: 1861

30.Who started ‘Calcutta Madarasa’? When?

Ans: Warren Hastings in 1781.

31.Who started Sanskrit College in Banaras? when?

Ans: A British citizen Jonathan Duncan in 1792

32.Who introduced English Education in India? When?

Ans: On the recommendation of Macaulay report Lord William Bentinck introduced the English Education in India in 1835.

33.What is the main aim Macaulay’s Education Policy?

Ans: “Creation of a new class of Indians who are Indian by body but British in intelligence, opinion and taste”

34.Name the three universities established by Lord Dalhousie.

Ans: Calcutta, Bombay, and Madras.

35.The Education started becoming universalized in India under  ________

Ans: “Charles Woods Commission in 1854”.



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