Prose -7 Colours of Silence | 10th English MCQ For 2021 Exam | All Prose Poem and Supplementary Reading Questions |

Prose-7 Colours of Silence

Multiple choice questions:

 1.Satish could hear Surender only after he repeated the question three times because________

A. he was busy in drawing

B.he was watching T.V

C . he did not notice him

D.he could not hear him

Answer: D.he could not hear him

 2.Satish asked Surender to why he was speaking so softly because___________________

A. he was busy in drawing

B.he was watching T.V

C . he did not notice him

D.he could not hear him

Answer: D.he could not hear him

3.Satish suffered terrible headaches and feeling as if dark and silent since__________________

A.he went to Kashmir

B. met with an accident

C.last operation on his leg

D.suffered from fever

Answer: C.last operation on his leg

 4.Surender gave a strange look at Satish because___________________

A. he was busy in drawing

B.he was watching T.V

C . he did not notice him

D.he could not hear him

Answer: D.he could not hear him

5.Satish met with an accident when he was crossing a __________________

A. the road at his school

B.rickety bridge over some rapids

C. the mountain path

D.snow covered Himalaya in Kashmir

Answer: B.rickety bridge over some rapids

 6.Satish suffered frequently from bouts of fever and infections, especially of the_______

A. ears




Answer: A. ears

7.Everything seemed to Satish like scenes from some pantomime show because__________

A.he was suffering from bouts of fever

B.he was operated on his legs

C.he had lost his hearing

D.he had lost his sight

Answer: C.he had lost his hearing

 8.The doctors didn’t know the cause for Satish ill health except that______________

A.he was suffering from bouts of fever

B.he was operated on his legs

C. ear infection

D.effect of medicines to treat his legs

Answer: D.effect of medicines to treat his legs 

9.Satish did not want to go to another school because__________________

A. he was suffering from bouts of fever

B. he was operated on his legs

C. hearing problem

D. frequent absence to school

Answer: C. hearing problem

 10.Satish could not talk freely with anyone because_______________

A. he was suffering from bouts of fever

B. he was operated on his legs

C. his neighbouring children teased him

D. he was unable to hear a single sound

Answer: D. he was unable to hear a single sound

11. Who supported Satish in teaching words and pronunciation? It was his______


B. brother

C. mother

D. teacher

Answer: B. brother

12.Satish’s father inspired him to learn a great deal by_________.

A. painting pictures

B. singing songs

C. reading books

D. studying words and their pronunciation

Answer: C. reading books

13.Satish became a voracious reader because of his_______


B. brother

C. mother

D. teacher

Answer: A.father

14.The books depressed and left a deep impression on Satish’s sensitive mind because____.

A. he was not interested in reading books

B. he wanted to become an artist

C. they were the serious books meant for older children or adults

D. he was depressed by his plight

Answer: C. they were the serious books meant for older children or adults 

15. The turning point in Satish’s life was _________

A. he watched a bird and drew its sketch

B. his leg was operated

C. he was admitted to a new school

D. he recovered his hearing

Answer: A. he watched a bird and drew its sketch

 16.Sketching came naturally to Satish because he was good at_____

A. drawing

B. painting

C. observing

D. Urdu calligraphy

Answer: D. Urdu calligraphy 

17.Satish’s father took away all note books he had drawn because_______

A. He hated his son

B. he was not good at drawing

C. He did not want his son to make a living by drawing

D. that was not his field of interest

Answer: C. He did not want his son to make a living by drawing

18.Who was optimistic of Satish’ s recovery of hearing ? It was his______


B. brother

C. mother

D. teacher

Answer: A.father

19The only solace for Satish was ________

A. reading books

B. painting

C. observing birds

D. Urdu calligraphy

Answer: B. painting

20.Satish’s father found the best school of arts for Satish so that his___

A. forget his suffering by going to school

B. enjoy his life

C. make life in his chosen field

D. make great name as an artist

Answer: C. make life in his chosen field

21.Satish’s eyes filled with tears and his father did an uncharacteristic thing. The ‘uncharacteristic thing.’- here is that his father did was_____

A.his father sat beside him and encouraged his art of drawing

B. He brought him armful of books

C. His father found him the best school of arts for him

D. supported him in becoming a voracious reader

Answer: C. His father found him the best school of arts for him

Also Don't forget Read it

SSLC Second Language English MCQ

Prose -3 Gentleman of Rio en Medio 

Prose -4 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

Prose -5 The Concert

Prose-7 Colours of Silence


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