SSLC English Passing Package 2023 | 10th Second Language English Passing package 2023

SSLC English Passing Package 2023 | 10th Second Language English Passing package 2023






1. Why do you think Don Anselmo did not sell the trees in the orchard?

Ans: Don Anselmo planted a tree when a child was born in the village. So, the trees belonged to the children.

2. How do you say that Don Anselmo was a man of principles?

Ans: Don Anselmo refused to take extra amount from the Americans. He told that he had agreed to sell the land for 1200 dollars. This shows that he was not after the money.

3. Don Anselmo and the Americans were generous in their own way. Give reasons.

Ans: Don Anselmo refused to take extra amount from the Americans. He told that he had agreed to sell the land for 1200 dollars. And the Americans bought the trees from the children of the village. However the trees in the land legally belonged to Americans. 


1. How can you say that Ambedkar had a great thirst for books? Or Dr. B R Ambedkar was a voracious reader. Justify.

Ans: Ambedkar bought books by curtailing his daily needs. When he was in New York he is said to have purchased 2000 old books. At the time of Second Round Table Conference in London, he bought plenty of books. He needed 32 boxes to send them to India.

2. Why did Nehru choose Dr. Ambedkar as the first Law Minister?

Ans: Ambedkar had a great skill in law and legislation. He had the vision of social justice. Therefore, Nehru chose him to be the Law Minister of India.

3. How did Mahatma Phule influence Ambedkar?

Ans: Ambedkar was greatly influenced by the life and work of Mahatma Phule. He was working for a classless society and for women’s uplift.

4. Why does Nehre describe Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as a symbol of revolt?

Ans: Befor independence, the Depressed Classes were illiterate. Their condition was miserable. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar raised his voice against this discrimination and improved the condition of the Depressed Classes.


1. Why do you appreciate Smita?

Ans: Smita always did the work with Anant. To fulfill the desire of Anant, she requested Pandit Ravi Shankar to come to her house and play the sitar for Anant.

2. What makes you appreciate Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha?

Ans: Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha were busy musicians. On hearing the story of Anant, they went to Smita’s house and played for the dying boy Anant. They deserve our appreciation.

3. They had Smita and her family come to Bombay? Who did they stay with? Ans: Smita’s brother, Anant, had been struck with cancer. They had come to Bombay so that he could be treated at the cancer hospital in the city. They stayed with Aunt Sushila

4. How do you say that Anant was a talented boy?

Ans: Anant was the best table-tennis player in the school and the fastest runner. He was learning to play the sitar and was already able to compose his own tunes to the astonishment of his guru.


1. Why did the President of Russian Academy of Sciences summon Borok?

Ans: The super powers in the world had sufficient nuclear weapons to destroy lives. People lived under the threat of complete destruction. There was necessity to put a ban on the use of nuclear weapon tests. So, Borok was asked to find out a solution for saving the word from destruction be nuclear weapons.

2. How, according to Borok, is survival of civilization threatened?

Ans: According to Borok, our civilization is threatened by natural and man-made disasters. Some of them are earthquakes, environmental catastrophes, and self-inflicted destruction of mega cities, economic and social crisis.

3. Why did the super Powers meet in Geneva?

Ans: There was the threat of Mutually Assured Destruction. As nuclear tests continued, stronger bombs were being made. The three super powers wanted to come to an agreement, putting a ban on the nuclear weapon test to save themselves and the world.

4. According to Borok, scientists are the most practical people in the world.

Ans: All new technologies, all new brands of industry are the result of research by scientists. It is through their work that we have medicines, electronics, synthetic fibres, new sources of energy, modes of transport and the green revolution. This proves that scientists are the most practical people.


1. Why does the poet say ‘Calendars and clocks’ are useless in space.

Ans: In space, there would be no night and day, nor would there be a change of seasons. So there would be no need for any calendar or clock.

2. The poet says: ‘Tea cups circling round me like the planets round the sun’. Why does it happen only in space and not on the earth?

Ans: Objects do not fly around on the earth due to the force of gravity. In the space, this force of gravity is not there. So things fly around.

3. Why does the poet express loneliness in the space?

Ans: The speaker would be alone in his capsule. Nobody would visit him nor would he have a friend near him. He would not write any letters nor would he receive any. He would feel like a prisoner.


1. Why had the students been marching? How was it an unusual march?


Babu and Manju were a bit disappointed with the way students were marching. What was the reason?


What had the police expected about the way of protest? How did the student leaders manage the protest?

Ans: The students were marching to give a notice to the collector. Even though there were policemen, they marched as if the policemen didn’t exist. They marched silently without any slogans. According to Babu and Manju the students should have protested. The police also expected the same. This would make them beat them up and imprison them. The students without causing violence gave a notice to the DSP. They thought that if they were arrested and kept in prison, it would not be possible to continue their agitation.

2. What was in the ‘mysterious parcel’? What suspicion did the police have about that?

Ans: There was a cyclostyling machine in the mysterious parcel. The police suspected that Mohan and his family were making copies of the Mahatma’s speech.

3. Why had Patil, the sub-inspector come to Mohan’s house? Who believed him and what was the result?

Mr. Patil was the classmate of Mohan’s father. He came to give a warning about the police raid on his house. Mohan’s mother believed him and gave the cyclostyling machine and papers.


1. Describe the hardships and challenges faced by Dicky Dolma.

Ans: Dicky Dolma lost her mother when she was eleven. She lost her brother too. When she was getting ready for the final frontier, her father was bed-ridden. She was not financially sound.

2. Explain Dicky Dolma’s preparedness in achieving her dream of scaling Mount Everest?


How did Dicky Dolma scale Mount Everest?

Ans: Dolma got training in the mountaineering institute at Manali. Her determination and hard work helped her to secure ‘A’ grade. She believed that success always follows dedication, determination and hard work. She used to practice four hours every day before the task of scaling Mount Everest.


1. Life for Hanif in the beginning was never a smooth sail. Explain.

Ans: Hanif lost his father when he was just 8 years old. He had two young brothers. His mother was a vocal artist. She travelled with the performance wing of the information and broadcasting Ministry. Therefore she would have to leave Hanif and his two brothers alone. So Hanif and his two brothers had to manage things on their own.

2. How does the writer describe the ‘introvert’ Hanif? (very important)

Ans: Hanif began to make friends only at the age of fourteen. He often went out of his way to help people. By doing so, he derived joy. Seniors appreciated Hanif’s helping nature.

3. Hanif was a young man with varied talent and interest. Justify.

Ans: Hanif dabbled in art, sketched very well. He made beautiful cards out of waste material. He read books and loved playing durms.


1. What did the third monster want Wangjia to do? What was Wangjia’s reply?

Ans: The third monster wanted Wangjia to bring Bhima’s eyeballs. If he refused to bring them he would gouge out his eyeballs. Wangjia replied that no one had the right to destroy a girl’s pretty eyes. He said that he would not gouge Bhima’s eyeballs.

2. What was happiness according to people of Tibet?

Ans: Getting the bird of happiness back from the snowy mountain is the happiness. If it came back it would rain and rivers would start flowing, land would become fertile, and trees and flowers would become fresh.

3. What happened when the bird of happiness caressed Wangjia?

Ans: The bird of happiness caressed Wangjia gently with its wings and sang for him. Wangjia’s eyeballs flew back into their sockets and now he could see more brightly than before. All his wounds were healed and he was stronger than ever.



1. ‘Satish Gujral became a great artist’.


‘Physical disability is no barrier to success to Stiah’. Support the statement with few of his achievements.


What are the achievements of Satish Gujral?

Ans: Satish Gujral met with an accident and became deaf. He was refused admission by schools because he was not a normal boy. Boys made fun of him and therefore he remainge at home. One day he saw a beautiful bird which had a longish tail and a black crest. That made him takes up drawing and painting. His father admitted him to one of the best schools of arts. Within a short time, Satish learnt not only drawing and painting but also about life.

Today Satish is one of the best artists in India. Exhibitions of his work have been held all over the world. He has published four books in arts. The Government of India honoured him with the Padma Vibhushan. He has also been awarded the Order of the Crown.

2. How did the bird inspire Satish?

Ans: One day, when Satish Gujral was looking gloomily into the corner of his garden, he saw a beautiful bird. He had not seen such a beautiful bird before. It had a longish tail and a black crest. It had restless energy. Its eyes kept darting here and there, its whole body ready for flight any moment. Satish stared at the bird for a pencil and sketched the bird from memory. He got interested in drawing and painting. His father admitted him to one of the best schools of arts. Satish became one of the best artists in India.



The speaker in the poem is the land. It says that it is always patient and bears all that is done to it. The reader on the other hand, uses the land in many ways. He digs the land, grows fruits and trees and even fights for land. Man also fences and makes boundaries over the land.

Mother earth has an ocean of patience and bears all the atrocities committed by human beings. It is a tone of self assertion. The poet mocks at those who are greedy. They wage wars to acquire more land to grow crops. But the earth has not done any harm to us. She has given everything to us. Whatever harm and injustice we are doing, the earth bears everything patiently. We cannot put a fence around mother earth.

Song of India


The poet V.K Gokak sings praises of the country. He sings about the natural beauty of the country, Epics, beautiful temples, soldier who fought for the country & sacrificed their lives, seers & wise men who showed people the right path. The poet also describes the industrial progress and technological achievements the country has made.

Mother India asks the poet to sing about the numerous ills in the country. She asks him to sing about the beggars & lepers, the-aged the illiterate & children living a joyless life. She wants him highlight the strike, the division between the rich and the poor and pollution caused by industrial development.

The poet is dissatisfied whether there was a perfect song which he could sing wholeheartedly .At that point the he had a vision of the Mother rising from the sky & sitting on the throne of waves. She appeared to write the destiny of the nation.



1. “Will you at least leave the door open?”

a) Who did the speaker ask?

Ans: father

b) Why did he want the door to be opened?

Ans: afraid of darkness, devils, ghosts

c) What reply did the speaker get?

Ans: Swami should promise that he would not roll up his bed and go to his grandma’s side at night.

2. “If you do it I will make you the laughing stock of your school.”

a) Who is the speaker?

Ans: father

b) Who does ‘you’ refer to?

Ans: Swami

c) What makes the speaker say so?

Ans: Swami’s efforts to escape from sleeping in the office room makes the speaker say the statement.

3. “It is disgraceful sleeping beside granny or mother.”

a) Who made this statement?

Ans: Father

b) Who slept beside his granny or mother?

Ans: Swami

c) Why did he sleep beside her?

Ans: he was afraid of sleeping alone.

d) Why did the speaker think that this action was disgraceful?

Ans: Swami was not a boy. He was in second standard.

4. “Your office room is very dusty and there may be scorpions behind your law books.”

a) Who made this remark?

Ans: Swami

b) When did the speaker make this remark?

Ans: Swami’s father asked his son to sleep alone in the office room.

c) Why did the speaker make this remark?

Ans: Swami made this remark because he wanted an excuse for not sleeping in the office room.

d) What does it reveal about the speaker?

Ans: He did not have the courage to tell his father that he was afraid to sleep alone.


1. “There’s a girl by the tracks!” the voices cried out.

a) Whose voices were they?

Ans: Passengers in the train

b) What was the name the girl?

Ans: Roma Talreja

c) How did she happen to lay by the tracks?

Ans: Roma was jammed between the other women. She lost her foothold and got pulled out of the moving train and fell on the ground.


2. “Sister, are you okay?” (Behanji aap thik hai?) But there was no response.

a) Who asked this question?

Ans: Baleshwar

b) Who does ‘sister’ refer to?

Ans: Roma Talreja

c) Why couldn’t he get a response?

Ans: She was unconscious.

d) What does ‘response’ mean in the context?

Ans: the word ‘response’ means reply.


3. “I think it is an astonishing thing that a stranger jumped off a train and risked his life for me.”

a) Who is the ‘I’?

Ans: Roma talreja

b) Who is the stranger?

Ans: Baleshwar

c) Where was the speaker when these words were said?

Ans: The speaker was in the hospital.



1. “We are like bats trying to fly by day.”

a) Who made this statement?

Ans: Diego

b) Who does ‘we’ refer to?

Ans: The seamen

c) What does the statement mean in the context?

Ans: Bats can’t see during the day. If they fly during the day they may fly anywhere. In the same way the seamen thought that they were going somewhere and they would not sight land.


2. “There are limits to our patience, sir.”

a) Who made this statement?

Ans: Diego

b) Who does ‘sir’ refer to?

Ans: Pedro

c) When did the speaker say so?

Ans: Pedro asked Diego, if he was becoming impatient.


3. “Discipline is a thing of the past, sir. It’s you or us.”

a) Who does ‘you’ refer to?

Ans: Columbus

b) When did the speaker say so? Or what statement was it an answer to?

Ans: When Columbus said, “Discipline knows no buts”.

c) What trait does it reveal about the speaker?

Ans: Francisco was an indisciplined seaman. He had no respect for Columbus.



1. “We were crowded in the cabin,

Not a soul would dare to sleep.”

a. Who does ‘we’ refer to?

Ans: The sailors

b. What does ‘dare’ mean?

Ans: be bold / have the courage

c. Why was it so?

Ans: One night, the ship was caught in a violent storm. The sailors feared for their lives. They crowded in cabin and they were not able to sleep.

2. “Tis a fearful thing in winter

To be shattered by the blast.”

a. What is ‘a fearful thing’ referred to?

Ans: To be caught in a violent storm is a fearful thing.

b. How did it affect the sailors?

Ans: The sailors crowded together in a cabin in fear. They lay awake saying a silent –prayer in the dark.

c. What does ‘shatter’ mean?

Ans: To break apart.

3. “We are lost! the captain shouted,

a. What does ‘We’ refer to?

Ans: The sailors

b. Why did the captain say this?

Ans: Their ship was caught in violent storm and the captain feared that the ship would break apart any moment.

c. How did his daughter react to the situation?

 Ans: His daughter remained calm. Holding her father’s hand she asked if God could protect them on land. Would he not protect them on sea?


4. “Isn’t God upon the ocean just the same as on the land?”

a) Who asked this question?

Ans: The little maiden/ The captain’s daughter

b) Who was it said to?

Ans: To her father, the captain and the sailors

c) What does it mean?

Ans: The little daughter wanted to instill courage and confidence in them. She wanted them to remain calm and cool even in any critical situation like this.


Grandma climbs a tree

Grandma climbs a tree is written by Ruskin Bond. The poet’s grandmother learned to climb trees from her brother when she was six. Even in her old age, she used to climb trees. People advised her to stop climbing trees and to grow old gracefully. But she just laughed and said that she would grow old disgracefully. One day, she climbed a tree and could not come down. She was rescued with great difficulty. The doctor strictly advised her to stay in bed for a week. The moment she felt stronger she demanded a house on a tree top. She got it and lived like a queen in her house on the tree.


An old jazz musician is standing like a Black Ancient mariner. His old face is wrinkled and weary. His faded blue shirt has turned dark with sweat. His stomach is hanging loosely .His jacket is worn out and his necktie is undone and dropping loosely over the jacket. His shoes are torn and are stuffed with paper to cover the holes. His rough unshaven face shows are pain. He stands alone head down, eyes closed and ears perked. An old saxophone hangs across this chest supported from his neck by a wire coat hanger. He gently lifts the saxophone to the parted lips. But once he starts playing music he is no longer a black man but a bird which gathers his wings and flies high and higher .he seems to be spreading the message of god through his music.

All the best



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