2nd PUC English TOO DEAR NOTES | Question Answers


-Leo Tolstoy

I. Answer the following in a word or a phrase or a sentence.

1. Mention any one of the neighboring kingdoms of Monaco.

Ans: France or Italy.

2. What is the population of Monaco in ‘Too Dear!’?

Ans: 7,000.

3. How many soldiers were there in the kingdom of Monaco in ‘Too Dear!’?

Ans: 60 men.

4. Mention any one of the taxes paid by people in Monaco.

Ans: Tax on wine or spirit or tobacco or poll tax.

5. The special source of revenue for the king of Monaco came from_______

a. Gaming House        

b. Poll tax   

c. Taxes on wine and spirit

Ans: a. Gaming House.

6. What did people play in the gaming houses in Monaco?

Ans: Roulette.

7. Who remained with a monopoly of the dirty business of gaming houses in Europe?

Ans: The king of Monaco.

8. Anyone who wants to gamble goes to ___________.

a. France

b. Monaco      

c. Italy

Ans: b. Monaco

9. What was the initial punishment given to the criminal by the council in ‘Too Dear’?

Ans: Death sentence.

10. Which kingdom demanded 16,000 francs for the supply of guillotine and an executioner?

Ans: France.

11.  How much money did the Italian government demand for the supply of guillotine and an executioner?

Ans: 12000 francs

12.  Which government was a republican and had no proper respect for king of      Monaco?

Ans: The French.

13.  Who according to the Council was a brother monarch in ‘Too Dear!’?

Ans: King of Italy.

14.  From where did the guard fetch the food to the criminal in Monaco?

Ans: From the Palace kitchen.

15.  How much did the king spend annually for keeping the criminal in prison?

Ans: 600 francs.

16.  On what condition did the criminal agree to go away from the prison?

Ans: On regular payment of pension 600 francs.

17. What was the sum fixed as pension for the criminal?

Ans: One third of his annuity.

18.  How much did the criminal receive in advance while leaving the prison?

Ans: A bit of land.

19. What did the criminal buy after settling across the frontier of Monaco?


20. When the guard was dismissed, the criminal in ‘Too Dear!’ 

a. was happy and tried to run away. 

b. worried about the guard’s family. 

c. did not show any sign of running away.

Ans: c. Did not show any sign of running away.

4-marks/ 6-marks questions and answers

1. Though gambling is a dirty business, why did the king of Monaco resort to it?


    You can’t earn stone palaces by honest labour. Justify this statement with reference to ‘Too Dear!’.

Ans: Monaco was a tiny kingdom. It was located on the borders of France and Italy. The population of Monaco was 7000. In this toy kingdom, there was a real king. He had a palace, courtiers, generals, a bishop and an army of 60 men. He received less revenue from taxes on tobacco, wine and spirit and poll tax. It was very difficult for him to manage his kingdom without proper revenue. The special source of revenue came from gaming house. People played roulette there. It was only such gambling establishment in Europe. They were banned in Europe as they were harmful. After losing everything in gambling, people would commit suicide. So, they were banned in Europe. But the king depended on the gambling house for revenue. He remained with a monopoly of the business. So, everyone who wanted to gamble went to Monaco. The king knew that it was a dirty business. He opinioned that to draw revenue from drink and tobacco was also bad. 

2. Why did the king of Monaco keep changing his mind in dealing with the criminal?


What made the king of Monaco alter his decisions in dealing with the criminal in ‘Too Dear!’?

Ans: Once a murder was committed in the peaceable toy kingdom. Such thing had not happened before. The criminal was awarded death sentence for committing murder. But Monaco had neither a guillotine nor an executioner. The committee enquired with France and Italy to supply both. While France demanded 16000 francs, Italy demanded 12000 francs to supply both. The king of Monaco felt it was too dear. He did not want to spend so much money on the criminal. He feared riots if extra tax was collected for the purpose. Even his soldiers refused to cut off the criminal’s head. They said that they had not been taught how to cut a man’s head off. In order to reduce the cost, the death sentence was changed into life imprisonment.

The criminal was kept in a prison. A guard was appointed to watch over the criminal. He had to fetch criminal’s food from the palace kitchen. After a year, the king noticed that 600 francs were spent on the criminal. The young and healthy criminal could live for another fifty years. So, the committee dismissed the guard thinking that the prisoner would run away. But he refused to go away. At last, he was offered a pension. Thus, the King of Monaco was a man without a decisive stand. Being worried about the cost of the execution, he kept changing his mind in dealing with the criminal.

3. Why was the criminal reluctant to go out of the prison?


Why does the criminal in ‘Too Dear!’ refuse to escape from the prison? Explain. Ans: The criminal was awarded death sentence for committing murder. In order to reduce the cost, the death sentence was changed into life imprisonment. The criminal was kept in a prison. After a year, the king noticed that it was a costly arrangement. The committee held a meeting and dismissed the guard. It expected the criminal to run away in the absence of guard. But he refused to go away. When he was asked by the minister of Justice why he had not run away, he said that he had nowhere to go. He could not do anything as they had ruined his character. The people would turn their backs on him. In addition, he had got out of the way of working. He was used to be lazy and comfortable life in prison. He said that they had treated him badly. He expressed his unhappiness for changing death sentence into life imprisonment. He was upset for dismissing the guard because there was no one to fetch his food from the palace kitchen. He concluded that they were free to do whatever they liked but he would not go away.

4. How did the criminal lead his life after going out from the prison? 


How did the criminal spend his life after he was given a pension in ‘Too Dear!’?

Ans: The criminal was promised a pension of 600 francs. He received one third of his annuity in advance and left Monaco. He emigrated and settled just across the frontier. It was not very far, only 15 minutes by rail. He purchased a bit of land and started market gardening. He lived comfortably and well. He would always go to draw his pension on time. After receiving it, he would go to gaming house. He would stake 2 or 3 francs. Then he would return home. He lived happily and peacefully.

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