2nd PUC English A Sunny Morning Notes | Serafin and Joaquin Alvarez Quinter | English Question Ans


-Serafin and Joaquin Alvarez Quinter.

I. Answer the following questions in a word or a phrase or a sentence each.

1. Where do Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura meet after a long time in ‘A Sunny Morning’?

Ans: In a park in Madrid.

2. Who brought breadcrumbs to the park to feed the birds in ‘A Sunny Morning’?

Ans: Dona Laura.

3. Who demanded a bench for himself in the park in ‘A Sunny Morning’?

Ans: Don Gonzalo.

4. Who scared away the birds that were feeding on breadcrumbs in the park?

Ans: Don Gonzalo.

5. Whom did Dona Laura consider as an ‘ill-natured old man’?

Ans: Don Gonzalo.

6. What right does Laura claim to have to criticize Gonzalo’s actions in ‘A Sunny Morning’?

Ans: A neighbour’s right.

7. What makes peace between Laura and Gonzalo in ‘A Sunny Morning’?

a. Bread crumbs

b. violets 

c. a pinch of snuff

Ans: c. a pinch of snuff.

8. Which city according to Don Gonzalo is he a native of in ‘A Sunny Morning’?

Ans: Valencia.

9.  Where according to Gonzalo did, he spend his early youth in ‘A Sunny Morning’?

Ans: Valencia.

10. Name the villa near Valencia where Dona Laura lived.

Ans: Maricella.

11. According to Gonzalo, the gallant lover in ‘A Sunny Morning’ was his 

a) friend. 

b) brother.  

c) cousin.

Ans: c) cousin.

12. Who was popularly known as ‘silver maiden’ in ‘A sunny Morning’?

Ans: Laura Llorente.

13. Who was referred to as ‘the gallant lover’ in ‘A Sunny Morning’?

Ans: Don Gonzalo.

14.  Who according to Gonzalo was badly wounded in ‘A Sunny Morning’?

Ans: The merchant.

15. Who according to Gonzalo did he run off to Paris with in ‘A Sunny Morning’?

Ans: A ballet dancer.

16. What does Gonzalo pick up with a great effort before leaving with Juanito in ‘A Sunny Morning’?

Ans: Violets.

4 / 6 marks questions and answers

1. What makes Laura feel in the beginning that Don Gonzalo is an ill-natured man in ‘A Sunny Morning’?

Ans: Don Gonzalo entered the park with Juanito. He was an old gentleman of seventy years. He was gouty and impatient. His usual bench in the park was occupied. He wanted a bench for himself in that public park. He was restless as none of the benches in the park were vacant. In his attempt to look for a vacant bench, he walked towards the pigeons that were happily eating the bread crumbs. As he was dragging his feet, he scared away the birds. Laura was upset and questioned why he did so. Gonzalo said that it was a public park and he cared nothing. He objected the liberty of Laura for addressing him. Thus, he was unapologetic and rude. This made Dona Laura remark him to be an ill-natured man, fussy and cross.

2. What fictitious story did Gonzalo spin about himself in the name of his cousin in ‘A Sunny Morning’?


What circumstances according to Gonzalo made his cousin flee Valencia in ‘A Sunny Morning’?

Ans: Don Gonzalo was a native of Valencia. He was in love with Dona Laura. But her parents wanted her to marry a merchant. Meanwhile, Gonzalo had a duel with the merchant and wounded him very badly. He ran away from Valencia afraid of consequences. He went to Seville and later to Madrid. After 3 months he ran off to Paris with a ballet dancer. When he was aged about 70 years, he met Laura in the park. He looked grotesque and old. While exchanging the memories of the past, he attempted to hide his true identity. He said that the gallant lover of Laura was his cousin. After leaving Valencia, he went to Seville and later to Madrid. He wrote many letters to Laura. When he did not receive any reply from her, he thought that he lost her forever. In despair, he joined the army. He went to Africa. 

There, in a trench, he met a glorious death. He died holding the flag of Spain in one hand and whispering the name of his beloved. In this way Gonzalo spun a fictitious story about himself so that Laura should believe that Gonzalo had not forgotten her until his last breath.

3. How does Dona Laura describe her best friend’s death to Don Gonzalo in ‘A Sunny Morning’?

Ans: Dona Laura lived in Maricela near Valencia while she was young. She was very beautiful. She was popularly known as ‘the silver maiden’. She was in love with Don Gonzalo. But her parents wanted her to marry a merchant. Meanwhile, Gonzalo left Valencia after the merchant was wounded in a duel. She waited for two years for his news. When no letter came, she married and lived happily with another man. While she was aged about 70 years, she was no longer beautiful. She met Gonzalo in a park in Madrid. After recognizing him, she attempts to hide her true identity. While exchanging the memories of the past, Laura said that the silver maiden was her friend. She waited for Gonzalo. When she did not receive any communication, in despair, one evening she went to the beach and wrote Gonzalo’s name on the sand where he had risked his life. Then she went and sat on a rock nearby. The tide rose with a boom and swept her into the sea. In this way, she spun a fictitious story about herself so that Gonzalo should believe that Laura committed suicide for the sake of lost love.

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