Second Language English KSEEB Model Paper-1 with answer | 10th English

Second Language English 

KSEEB Model Paper-1 with answer

Chose the Correct Answer:  Questions & Marks- 40x1=40

41. ‘Self-medication is not good. You should consult the doctor.’ The language function for the above sentence is

A. seeking information
B. agreeing
C. request
D. advice

Answer: d) advice.

42. The word which collocates with ‘rustling’ is
A. waves
B. fruits
C. leaves
D. shadows

Answer: c) leaves.

43. The word which has two syllables is
A. school
B. consonant
C. father
D. clue

Answer: c) father.

44. ‘The children were plucking flowers.’ The passive form of the above sentence is
A. Flowers were plucked by the children
B. Flowers are being plucked by the children
C. Flowers were being plucked by the children
D. Flowers have been plucked by the children

Answer: c) Flowers were being plucked by the children.

45. He ………. in New Delhi for three years. The appropriate tense form of the verb to be used here is
A. living
B. lived
C. lives
D. live

Answer: c) lives.

46. The appropriate prefix to form the opposite of ‘possible’ is
A. in
B. im
C. un
D. mis

Answer: b) im.

47. Kutub Minar is a majestic monument. The part of speech of the underlined word is a/an
A. verb
B. adverb
C. adjective
D. preposition

Answer: c) adjective.

48. The meeting was ………. due to bad weather. The correct phrasal verb to be used here is
A. put on
B. put up with
C. put off
D. put out

Answer: c) put off.

49. Greenland is larger than any other island in the world. The superlative form of the above sentence is
A. Greenland is the large island in the world.
B. No other island is largest than Greenland in the world.
C. Greenland is the largest island in the world.
D. Greenland is largest of the islands.

Answer: c) Greenland is the largest island in the world.

50. If I had been hungry, I ………. eaten something. The correct words to be used here to complete the ‘if’ clause sentence are
A. wouldn’t have
B. shouldn’t have
C. would have
D. should have

Answer: c) would have.

51. Sanjay is coming tomorrow………? The question tag to be used here is       A. is he
B. isn’t he
C. does he
D. don’t he

Answer: b) isn’t he.

52. We had to wait for …… hour and ……… half for the bus. The articles to be used here are
A. a, the
B. an, a
C. the, a
D. a, an

Answer: b) an, a.

53. The thieves quarreled ………themselves. The preposition to be used here is
A. for
B. between
C. among
D. after

Answer: c) among.

54. I bought it ……… I needed it. The conjunction to be used here is
A. and
B. still
C. so
D. because

Answer: d) because.

55. The way in which he told the story was so ……………….. The correct form of the word to be used is
A. interested
B. interestingly
C. interesting
D. interests

Answer: c) interesting.

56. In a formal letter, ‘Yours faithfully’ is known as
A. salutation
B. subscription
C. superscription
D. subject

Answer: b) subscription.

57. ‘Courage is everything. Strength and age are not important.’ This remark was made by
A. Swami
B. Granny
C. Inspector
D. Swami’s father

Answer: d) Swami’s father.

58. As the night advanced Swami remembered all the stories of
A. adventure
B. tiger
C. devils and ghosts
D. cricket match

Answer: c) devils and ghosts.

59. ‘A frightful proposition, Swami thought.’ The proposition was        
A. to sleep alone in the passage                                                                                   
B. to sleep alone in the office room        
C. to sleep beside his granny in the passage        
D. to sleep under the hall lamp

Answer: b) to sleep alone in the office room.

60. Roma Talreja was a
A. railway employee
B. high school dropout    
C. call centre executive
D. sales executive

Answer: c) call centre executive.

61. ‘Take the girl to Airoli,’ suggested the cop, ‘there’s a hospital there.’ But Baleshwar disagreed because
A. he knew that hospital lacked personnel and equipment
B. he knew that Airoli was at least 10 kilometres away
C. he was too tired to carry Roma any further  
D. he felt the hospital may refuse to take accident victim.

Answer: b) he knew that Airoli was at least 10 kilometres away.

62. ‘I do not like to have you speak to me in that manner.’ This was said by         
A. Narrator
B. Senator Catron            
C. Surveyor
D. Don Anselmo

Answer: d) Don Anselmo.

63. The Americans offered to pay almost double the amount to Don Anselmo because         
A. the old man agreed to sell both land and his house         
B. the land was very fertile         
C. the land was much more than eight acres         
D. the narrator convinced them to pay more

Answer: c) the land was much more than eight acres.

64. One day the Americans came back to the narrator’s office to complain because         
A. Don Anselmo did not allow them to replaster the house         
B. the children of the village were overrunning their property         
C. everyone spoke to them only in Spanish         
D. the fence they had patched was torn down by the villagers

Answer: b) the children of the village were overrunning their property.

65. ‘They brought about a veritable revolution in social thought.’ Here ‘they’ refers to        
A. Dr.Ambedkar and Gandhiji
B. Nehru and Gandhiji        
C. Mahatma Phule and Nehru
D. Dr. Ambedkar and K.M.Munshi

Answer: a) Dr.Ambedkar and Gandhiji.

66. Dr. Ambedkar spent most of his life in
A. purchasing books
B. attending conferences
C. reading books
D. importing books

Answer: c) reading books.

67. ‘There’s no harm in trying it,’ Smitha said to herself. Here ‘it’ refers to
A. requesting Pandit Ravishankar to play for Anant
B. convincing the doctors to continue Anant’s treatment
C. taking Anant to the concert
D. requesting Aunt Sushila to let them stay in her apartment

Answer: a) requesting Pandit Ravishankar to play for Anant.

68. ‘Panditji is a busy man. You must not bother him with such requests.’         This was said by
A. Ustad Allah Rakha
B. moustachioed man         
C. Anant
D. Aunt Sushila

Answer: b) moustachioed man.

69. ‘Why do you take away his source of entertainment?’ This remark was made by
A. Satish’s mother
B. brother Inder 
C. friend Surender
D. Satish’s father

Answer: a) Satish’s mother.

70. The lesson ‘colours of silence’ gives us the message that
A. physical disability is no barrier to success 
B. one has to read a lot to get on in life
C. formal education is not important   
D. physical disability is a barrier to success

Answer: a) physical disability is no barrier to success.

71. The family members of Grandma told her that one should grow old 
A. bravely
B. disgracefully  
C. gracefully      
D. slowly

Answer: c) gracefully.

72. When Grandma was   confined to  bed she felt
A. relieved
B. miserable     
C. happy
D. rested

Answer: b) miserable.

73. It droppeth  ……The appropriate option to complete this line of the poem is
A. above this sceptered sway;
B. the dread and fear of kings;
C. as the gentle rain from heaven
D. the force of temporal power

Answer: c) as the gentle rain from heaven.

74. In the poem ‘Quality of Mercy’ ‘mightiest in the mightiest’ refers to
A. Sceptre
B. Crown          
C. Mercy
D. Dread

Answer: c) mercy.

75. In the poem ‘The song of India’ Motherland wants the poet to sing about 
A. the seers and prophets
B. strikes and class war  
C. dams and lakes
D. Himalayas and three seas

Answer: b) strikes and class war.

76. Mother India appeared to be sitting on 
A. the peaks of Himalayas
B. the beautiful waves
C. the rock-cut temples
D. the dams and lakes

Answer: b) the beautiful waves.

77. ‘His wrinkled old face so full of wearies of living’ suggests that the Jazz player was
A. old and cheerful
B. not enthusiastic about life 
C. lively but old
D. very enthusiastic about life

Answer: b) not enthusiastic about life.

78. O say what ……The appropriate option to complete this line of the poem is
A. of wondrous things you see
B. day or night myself I make
C. is that thing call’d light
D. are the blessings of the sight

Answer: c) is that thing call’d light.

79. The ‘mysterious parcel’ that was brought to Mohan’s house contained
A. pamphlets
B. cyclostyling machine      
C. newspaper
D. memorandums

Answer: b) cyclostyling machine.

80. Hema Aziz politely refused  the Indian army’s compensation offer of
A. a house
B. money 
C. a petrol pump
D. a job
Answer: c) a petrol pump. 

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